Will I See My Baby in Heaven if I Had a Miscarriage?

As I drove to work one cold and rainy Thursday morning time, I saw my midwife's proper name pop upward on caller ID. My heart sank, and something within told me it wouldn't exist skillful news. Equally she uttered the words "there was no heartbeat in the ultrasound," I let out a deep groan I've never expressed before. Tears flooded my eyes and blurred the road before me. I knew, in an instant, my world had been turned upside down and it would never be the aforementioned.

For two weeks, I carried my little i until I birthed his or her small body. So, less than a week subsequently, I buried my little one in my granddad'southward wildflower field on the farm. Those days were long, and my understanding short.

Cypher tin set up y'all for the loss of a child—absolutely null in this world. And when grief comes crashing in like a tidal wave and anger sets in, for many, our rationale wants to move God from ally to enemy of our hearts. Those few weeks were the darkest in my life.

I desire to say, beginning and foremost, if y'all've lost a child, I am so deeply lamentable for your loss. No words could always heal your heart, and no time passed will erase the pain you're experiencing.

I know how normal it is for anger and doubtfulness to set in—how easy it is to offset questioning God'south goodness. Part of the healing process is going through the diverse emotions that back-trail grief, and certainly, God can handle it. But what do you do with all that hurt, and how do y'all process all the questions bombarding your fragile spirit? How do you move on from that place of despair?

I establish promise in the darkness.I found condolement in knowing that my baby is with Jesus. That he or she will never have to know loss, pain, cold, grief, thwarting, or sorrow. That all their soul volition ever know is joy and the presence of God. And although I won't exist able to embrace this cute soul now, one day I volition. Our meeting is only delayed, non stolen.

If you love Jesus and take committed your life to post-obit Him, and so y'all can be confident in knowing that one twenty-four hour period y'all will see your miscarried baby. Let'due south explore a few passages that remind u.s. of this truth.

1. Every human being conceived is made in the image of God.

"So God created mankind in his own paradigm, in the image of God he created them ... " (Genesis ane:27)

Your little one was created by the Begetter in His image. And His prototype likeness is goodness and beloved. Furthermore, Jesus came for all people, so His expiry and resurrection was a sacrifice non but for the born, but the unborn. Your child is redeemable.

2. There is grace for infants and children.

There is this idea called the "age of accountability" that is widely accepted by Christians. It states that there is grace for children until they come up to an historic period of truly understanding right and wrong—to be able to comprehend grace and salvation. Though this term is not specifically used in Scripture, in that location are a few verses that back up it.

In 2 Samuel 12, David loses his baby son. When he learns of the child'due south death, his servants are surprised that he gets up from his fasting and weeping. Then David expresses, "...I shall go to him, but he will non return to me" (two Samuel 12:23). This implies that David believed he would be reunited with his child one day.

In another supporting passage, Isaiah seven:15-16 indicates that children aren't held responsible for their actions until they reach a certain age. That age is not given in Scripture, and it's likely different for each child. Withal, a babe is certainly considered innocent by this reference.

In one concluding reference, we see in Luke eighteen that Jesus loves children. He says this as he blesses them in verses 15-xvi: "People were likewise bringing babies to Jesus for him to place his hands on them. When the disciples saw this, they rebuked them. Only Jesus chosen the children to him and said, 'Let the piddling children come up to me, and practise not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such equally these.'"

Jesus says that these babies belong to the kingdom of God. Why would Jesus bless a infant if they were destined for hell?

3. God works all things together for expert.

"Meanwhile, the moment we become tired in the waiting, God's Spirit is correct alongside helping us along. If nosotros don't know how or what to pray, it doesn't matter. He does our praying in and for usa, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans. He knows us far meliorate than nosotros know ourselves, knows our pregnant condition, and keeps us present before God. That's why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of beloved for God is worked into something good." (Romans 8:26-28)

We see throughout the Bible God's care and grace for infants and children. This extends to the unborn, who were created in the image of God. Your unborn baby is in sky with Jesus, and that's a joy nosotros don't know yet. But one day, for those who are believers, we can wait forward to a reunion in His presence.

Please know, although the darkness is overwhelming, in that location is low-cal. There is goodness and hope to be found. There is a beautiful and loving God who wants to scoop you up in His strong arms and concord y'all close.

Although, in dark times, we oftentimes want to pull away from Him, it'due south in these trials that we must press in even harder. Pressing in is where we detect Him and hear His vox—meet His goodness. Because God is good and does work all things for adept, even if we tin't encounter it.

Believe me, I know it's difficult to see how skilful can come up from your loss. Who knows why your baby passed on merely God? Any the case may be, you lot nonetheless go to be the parent of that beautiful child. And, however brief, your kid's life brought joy to this world.

Brittany Rust author photo Brittany Rust  has a passion to requite encouragement to the globe-weary laic through her writing, speaking, and podcasting. She is the writer of Untouchable: Unraveling the Myth That You're Too True-blue to Fall, founder of For the Mama Eye, and hosts the Ballsy Fails podcast.  Brittany, her husband Ryan, and their son Roman brand their dwelling house in the Rocky Mountains, pursuing outdoor adventures, smashing food, and memorable stories together. Learn more at www.brittanyrust.com .

Photo Credit: GettyImages/Marjan_Apostolovic


Source: https://www.crosswalk.com/family/parenting/new-parents/will-i-get-to-meet-my-miscarried-baby-someday.html

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