Pokemon Solar Light and Lunar Dark Review Reddit


"You ascension with the Moon. I rise with the Sun."

Due to its nature equally an object that provides warmth and light, the sunday has played symbolic and important roles throughout the history of fiction. Undead or demonic creatures take been depicted as being vulnerable to it, likely to its associations with light and fire. If associated with malevolence, can go in line with Light Is Not Practiced—imagine sunburns, imagine merciless UV rays scorching everything they touch. This can go even worse with monsters and antagonists that are either fabricated of those elements and/or are able to utilize them without any ill-effect to their being.

On the other cease of the spectrum, the moon as well has connotations of low-cal, but it's been associated with The Undead and other supernatural creatures. Lycanthropes, the about famous example, are depicted as having their transformations trigger when the moon is full. Can also become in line with Light Is Not Expert, although it can go with Night Is Not Evil when dealing with characters similar Friendly Neighborhood Vampires. The moon does give light in the darkness, and only because it'southward less constant and more mysterious doesn't get in bad.

The contrast between the two is a common Cosmic Motif (and color motif, particularly yellow and regal, if not outright black and white). Compare Scarlet Oni, Blueish Oni and Elemental Powers. Light/Darkness Juxtaposition can utilize when the moon is associated with darkness and the lord's day with light. Given that the lord's day is a fiery ball of energy and the moon is responsible for the tides, this trope tin also lend itself to Fire/Water Juxtaposition. See Night and Day Duo or Male Sun, Female Moon if this dissimilarity is axiomatic in a pairing of characters.

The lord's day and moon have also been personified past having both of them be a specific sex. For example, the pairing could exist a masculine and harsh sun paired with a feminine and soft moon. In historical religions, the sexes associated with the sun and moon vary greatly, and in some cases, both a male and female deity may be ascribed to a single celestial torso. According to Wikipedia, information technology is somewhat more common to view the sun as male and the moon equally female due to the prevalence of that portrayal in Greek and Roman organized religion. (It might also take something to practice with sure other twenty-eight-mean solar day cycles.) In fantasy fiction, this duality is often manifested in a contrast between a solar God of Low-cal and a God of the Moon.

Fridge Logic may employ to whatsoever reference to moonlight affecting beings or objects since the moon has no actual calorie-free of its ain (it's a hunk of infinite stone orbiting Earth) and its glow is just the sunlight that is being shone on the moon and reflected by information technology. Hence, in theory, anything that moonlight should trigger, normal sunlight should actually be triggering as well (and vice-versa). Of course, ane may then theorize that this light somehow "changes" when reflected...


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    Anime and Manga

  • Cardcaptor Sakura has the eponymous cards each being of solar or lunar attribute, and ruled by either Cerberus (Kero) for the sun or Yue for the moon. Kero and Yue have strongly contrasting personalities and powers, befitting this separate — Kero is both figuratively and literally firey, and Yue can be common cold and distant. Eriol's replacement familiars, Spinel Sun and Ruby Moon, have the same degree of contrast in their personalities but running in the opposite direction. Information technology'due south besides lampshaded that Sakura's power is neither that of the sun nor the moon, "but your ain mere ability of the stars."
  • In Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, Michikatsu Tsugikuni, great demon slayer of the Sengoku Menses, eventually betrays his own humanity and becomes a demon, all for the increasing jealousy he held over his twin brother Yoriichi Tsugikuni for being and then incredibly stiff to the point Michikatsu thought it was simply unfair to never be comparable to his ain younger twin, that reflects on his sword style, called Moon Animate, existence in the shadow of Yoriichi'due south Sun Animate.
  • In Fairy Tail, two of Eileen's subordinates are named Juliet Dominicus and Hein Lunesea.
  • In Fullmetal Alchemist, Solf J. Kimblee has alchemic circles on his easily that feature the sun and moon. He happens to invoke Light Is Non Good.
  • Heart Catch Pretty Cure has Itsuki and Yuri, Cure Sunshine and Cure Moonlight respectively. Peculiarly telling as their personalities dissimilarity ane another (Itsuki'due south more friendly and outgoing while Yuri'south quieter and reserved). This continues on through to three other characters — Tsubomi (who, equally Cure Blossom, contrasts Itsuki), Erika (who, as Cure Marine, is said to dissimilarity Yuri) and the Dark Precure who is Yuri'due south "sister".
  • Invoked in Hunter × Hunter with the power chosen Sun & Moon: Paired Devastation, which puts a mark of a sun with a plus symbol on one surface and a marker of a moon with a minus symbol on some other. Though purely symbolic, the ability's principal effect is that the surfaces volition explode if the sun marker and the moon marker affect.
  • In I Want Your Female parent To Be With Me!, Yuzuki'south name has the kanji for "crescent moon" and her son Asahi's has the kanji for "sun". Ryo sometimes looks upwardly at the moon and thinks of Yuzuki, and on Valentine's 24-hour interval he makes crescent chocolates for her and sun-shaped ones for Asahi.
  • Shin and Louis from Rex of Prism correspond the sun and the moon, with Shin having sun-themed Prism Jumps (Over the Sunshine, Rising Sunshine), while Louis having moon-themed Prism Jumps (Whispering Lunamystic Heaven). In the TV version of Shiny Vii Stars, there'south a scene of them juxtaposed against the sun and moon as the (merely equally the vocal reaches the "Dominicus and moon" part), and in Prism Rush! Live they even get sun-and-moon-themed outfits when performing in the duo tournament.
  • In Naruto, two of the primary jutsus for the Mangekyo Sharingan are Tsukuyomi and Amaterasu, named after the Japanese God of the Moon and goddess of the lord's day.
  • Neon Genesis Evangelion: Rei is oftentimes associated with the moon, initially as a visual motif, but later it turns out to exist foreshadowing. Asuka is occasionally visually paired with the dominicus, just outside of suiting her Fiery Redhead personality the but real plot significance is to contrast her with Rei.
  • Sailor Moon:
    • Chibiusa and Helios. Chibiusa is a princess whose powers come from the moon while Helios is named for the sun god.
    • Also with Chibusa's parents, Usagi and Mamoru. Usagi is the reincarnation of the moon princess and although Mamoru was once the World's prince, his guardian priest is Helios. Nehellania, during her final moments in the manga, refers to him as the prince of Earth who was "protected by the lord's day".
  • Star★Twinkle Pretty Cure has Elena and Madoka, who transforms into Cure Soleil and Cure Selene, which respectively has sun and moon as the chief motifs. Both are very popular students in their schoolhouse, each with their own fanbase. Elena is the outgoing and sociable one representing the sun, while Madoka is the at-home and collected one representing the moon.


  • Moon Knight gets more powerful as the moon waxes and less powerful as it wanes. Nether a full moon he's got the forcefulness of x men just nether a new moon he'south only got his own strength. The 2018 series gives him a new enemy called Sun King, who claims to take the same connexion to Ra every bit Moon Knight has to Koshnu.
  • Wonder Woman (2011): The contrast of twin gods Artemis as goddess of the moon and Apollo as god of the sunday are played up in the New 52. Their normal versions avert this as the focus is unremarkably on Artemis' hunting, archery and protection of maidens with no mention of her connection to the moon, and Apollo is mostly more of a Satellite Character to his sister with a focus on his ties to oracles and healing.

    Fan Works

  • In Dreaming of Sunshine, sunlight is oftentimes used as a visual metephor, or motif, for when Shikako is content or healing. On the other hand, deplorable or pivotal scenes ordinarily accept place at night, such as Shikako's large chat with Kakashi later "discovering" Naruto is a jinchuriki, and later on Shikako convincing Sasuke not to defect.
  • Skyhold Academy Yearbook: Sunday and moon imagery features in the wedding in Disorienuptials, which makes sense when it'southward remembered that the bride's In-Series Nickname is "Sunshine."
  • The Sun Gorons and Moon Gorons in the doujin novel, Zelda and the Manacle of Cahla. While basically the same, Sun Gorons are the catechism volcano dwellers, and Moon Gorons are paler, accept water ice-like plates, and live on a snowy mountain. The two tribes are strongly prejudiced against ane some other, and a side plot revolves around Zelda uniting them.
  • In From Faux Dreams, Rin and Sakura find out they represent the sun and moon in this Shirou's version of Unlimited Blade Works respectively. The fact that both celestial bodies are high in the sky equally without either 1 eclipsing the other shows how important both are to Shirou. This doesn't really please the two equally both sisters have affections for him.


  • The Emperor'southward New Groove: In the cut vocal "Snuff out the Low-cal" from an early on version of the movie, Yzma praises the moon and calls on all things evil to extinguish the sun. Furthermore, Yzma and Kuzco seem to represent a sun/moon relationship. During the product phase of the picture, the movie went past the working championship Kingdom of the Lord's day, with Kuzco being the emperor of the titular kingdom. Even in the finished version, Cuzco wears warm and brilliant colors like red and yellow, while Yzma wears by and large dark and cold colors black and purple.
  • Hale County This Morning This Evening: At that place are many shots of the lord's day and moon rising, setting, coursing across the sky. One sequence is a surreal depiction of the moon sort of billowy and shaking around the movie frame, followed past a shot of the sun doing the same affair.
  • My Moon focuses on Earth's juxtaposing relationships with Sunday and Moon, respectively, and how both of them fulfill necessary parts in her life. Whereas Sun helps the Earthlings flourish and creates daylight, Moon'southward purpose is lighting the world when night falls.


  • Alone Wolf: Kai, God of the Sun, and Ishir, Goddess of the Moon, are allies and both considered a God of Good, as they oppose Naar, God of Darkness and God of Evil.


  • In Lloyd Alexander'due south The Chronicles of Prydain, the sun and moon are emblems of two aboriginal royal houses. The emblem of the House of Don is the sun, on account of the fact that the Sons and Daughters of Don are descended from the Lady Don and her consort, Belin the Sun Rex. Meanwhile, the emblem of the Business firm of Llyr is the crescent moon; this is considering of the fact that they are descended from Llyr Half-Speech the Sea King, and the tides of the sea are governed by the phases of the moon.
  • In the globe of Cold Obsidian, ii magic stabilizers - Hora Solaris and Hora Lunaris - arrive possible for humans to utilise magic. The area where their influences abolish each other, though, is total of dangerous magical anomalies.
  • In Heralds of Valdemar, the names of Selenay and Solaris hint at this trope. Both are female rulers, but Solaris wasn't born into power and she projects a tough, confident prototype. Selenay is a humble mother of three who's part of a long line of monarchs.
  • The poem "Rivalry v1" explores this theme. The animosity between sun and moon was caused by the latter rejecting the quondam'due south warmth.

    and it was and then
    the two brothers
    ever destined to fight...

  • In Phaeton every Phaetonian has a solar or lunar celestial affinity, decision-making when they are about active and granting them celestial beams based on their affinity. Combining a sun-and-moon beam of equal ability triggers Solarnight, a ability and then one-time, no 1 remembers what it does, and no 1 wants to find out.
  • Tolkien's Legendarium:
    • In The Silmarillion, the sun and moon are fruits of the Copse of Valinor, Telperion and Laurelin, that were put in hallowed lamps and carried across the skies by two maiar spirits (equivalent to bottom angels) as a warning to Melkor and a beacon of hope to the Children of Ilúvatar. Traditionally, the sun is seen as female and the moon male since those are the respective genders of the forms the Maiar spirits that conduct them clad themselves in. Evil things, like orcs and Nazgûl, accept no love for either sunday nor moon simply they will operate at night whereas merely the strongest of nighttime things tin can walk freely during the solar day.
    • In The Lord of the Rings, two regions of Gondor, Ithilien and Anórien, and Elendil'due south two sons, Isildur and Anarion (whose respective heirs were Kings of Arnor and Kings of Gondor), are named after the Sindarin words for the moon and the sun.
  • Wild Cards: I volume introduces Bahir, a man with golden eyes who only seems to prove upward during the 24-hour interval, and Lilith, a woman with silvery eyes who only seems to show up at night. A connectedness betwixt them is hinted since they accept the same teleportation abilities. Turns out they're the same person, who has gender swapping powers in addition to teleportation.

    Live-Activeness Television receiver

  • In Kamen Passenger Kiva, the titular Passenger defeat Fangires using the power of the Night, per his Vampire motif. Whereas the secondary Rider defeat Fangires using the power of the Daylight, per their religious (Christian and Shinto) motifs.
  • In Ability Rangers Mystic Force, the sun and moon are two more than natural forces that magic-wielders can be connected to (we start with the Five-Human being Band, which is the usual classical-elements-plus-lightning. The Mentor is ice and snow, her apprentice is moon, the Sixth Ranger is lord's day. Sun and moon aren't depicted as two sides of the same money, though).
  • In an episode of Star Trek: The Adjacent Generation, Masks, an ancient probe imposes the solar and lunar mythology of an alien race on Data and the Enterprise. Picard is forced to take up the guise of the moon.
  • The titular Ultraman Cosmos uses this as his class changes. Luna is empowered by the moon, Corona is based on the sun, and Eclipse (combination of the latter two) is Exactly What It Says on the Tin.


  • The Beatles' Beatles for Sale has a rail called "Mr. Moonlight" and some other named "I'll Follow The Sun".
  • Captain Beefheart'south "Total Moon, Hot Sun" from Unconditionally Guaranteed

    Total moon, hot sun
    Enough to make a adept girl run
    Get in the shade of the burning hot sunday
    Improve hide, infant, earlier the full moon come

  • Rex Ruby:
    • In the Court of the Crimson King: The moonchild in "Moonchild" is "waiting for the smiling from a dominicus kid".
    • Carries into the next song, "The Court of the Crimson King," where the first lyrics are "The rusted bondage of prison Moons / Are shattered by the Sun." This, paired with the colorful and fiery imagery, seem to imply that the titular Scarlet King himself is the Lord's day.
  • Tears for Fears:
    • Because Roland Orzabal is an astrology devotee, the sunday and the moon that are featured on The Seeds of Love artwork correspond himself and fellow bandmate Curt Smith, respectively, as the sun is the ruler of Leo (Orzabal's zodiac sign) notation this is why Smith refers to Orzabal as the "Dominicus Male monarch", and the moon is the ruler of Cancer (Smith'south zodiac sign). There's fifty-fifty a promotional epitome of the band and an official T-shirt that accept the astrological symbols for the sun (a circle with a dot at its heart) and the moon (a crescent with its points facing left). annotation Oddly enough, though, it'southward Smith who'south belongings the miniature sun on the cover, while Orzabal is property the umbrella (which signifies rain, and water is Cancer'south chemical element). All the same, this could simply be a case of what looks best on them fashion-wise, since Smith tends to article of clothing brilliant, flashy colours, whereas Orzabal tends to wear darker, muted tones. You'll notice in that location'south a stylized fish on the umbrella, and Orzabal's The Diss Track to Smith is "Fish Out of Water". "The dominicus and the moon" are also Arc Words on the album, and both celestial bodies appear in the "Sowing the Seeds of Love" music video and the tour program.
    • In the "Closest Thing to Heaven" music video, a crescent moon is part of the starry sky properties during the play'due south nighttime sequence above the storm clouds. When the scene switches to daytime, a stylized sun lights upward the properties with the bluish sky and white clouds. Because that this was the first music video the ring produced afterward they reunited, information technology was of import to the star divination-minded Orzabal that both the sun and the moon — the rulers of their zodiac signs — be included to denote that his and Smith's Leonine-Cancerian musical partnership has been renewed.
  • Three of the members of Tsukino Talent Productions unit Growth had previously been with a company called Sun Productions, which they left because they weren't treated well later a change in management. In their anime adaptation, their rivals, who did debut as a unit of measurement with SunPro announced and their feud is shown.


  • Helios of Greek Mythology is literally the Dominicus himself, while his sister Selene is the Moon. Even today, Helios and Selene are the Greek words for the Sun and Moon.
    • Apollo, the God of Light, eventually became combined with Helios in popular thought, but was never "officially" chosen the Sun God until long after Christianity replaced Greek myth. Artemis, his twin sister, also only became tied to the Moon when Apollo displaced Helios.
  • In Egyptian Mythology, the Sun was associated with many deities. Horus was a special case as it was claimed his optics were both the Dominicus and the Moon, him being the personification of the heaven.
  • In Japanese Mythology, Amaterasu is the goddess of the Sun, while her brother Tsukuyomi (who is rarely mentioned) is the god of the Moon. Amaterasu's Curvation-Enemy figure is her sort-of female parent Izanami, who is an undead goddess who rules the underworld.
  • In several Chinese mythical tales, the immortals Hou Yi and Chang'e are later associated with sunday and moon respectively, subsequently Chang'due east got lifted to the moon past drinking an immortality elixir, and after he died, Hou Yi was given a palace in the sun after in life he shot down 9 suns to expiry. They apply this setup to visit each other, and later on get associated with the Yin Yang theme.
  • In Buddhist mythos, Bhaiṣajyaguru the Buddha of medicine is served by two bodhisattvas Sūryaprabha ("sunlight") and Candraprabha ("moonlight").


  • In Necronomicon, the "Cult of The Bloody Tongue" table includes the Solar Engine and Lunar Engine ramps.

    Tabletop Games

  • Changeling: The Lost: The oldest grouping of Changeling Courts contains the Sunday Court (a.k.a. the Found Path, the Court of Shame, who promote righteousness and lawfulness merely fall a bit curt of true justice) and the Moon Court (a.one thousand.a. the Wayward Road, the Court of Cloy, who revel in disinhibition). They have a distinctly more hostile human relationship with each other than the Courts of the 4 Seasons, opposing each other'due south works with every dawn and dusk.
  • Dungeons & Dragons:
    • Dragon: Two paired articles, "The Eternal Sun" and "The Eye of Night", describe the symbolism and magic of the Sun and Moon, including two character classes linked to each (the Illuminated Monk, the Paladin of Light, the Moon-Warded Ranger and the Lunar Rogue), new solar and lunar religions (the Order of Eternal Light, with access to the unique Hope domain, and the Church building of Linara, with admission to the unique Emotion domain) and astrological feats a grapheme could get from existence born under a certain position of the sunday or phase of the moon.
    • Dragonlance: The phases of the three moons of Krynn affect the force of magic corresponding to each moon's moral alignment (Solinari = Good, Lunitari = Neutral, Nuitari = Evil). The closer the moon is to total, the more powerful its magic.
  • Exalted: The two "top" tiers of Exalted are the Solars and the Lunars, the called of the gods of the respective angelic bodies, though there are other types too.
  • Pathfinder:
    • Two of the five types of outer dragons — powerful dragons associated with outer infinite and cosmic matters and phenomena — are the solar and lunar dragons. While a duality between them is not explicitly emphasized, they are in noticeable contrast in their stats — solar dragons are Lawful Neutral where lunar dragons are Cluttered Neutral, and they former are creatures of intense heat while the latter are closely tied to water ice and cold (in fact, their breath weapons are capable of harming fifty-fifty creatures allowed to heat or cold, respectively).
    • The giant types in Bestiary iii are very closely tied to the dominicus, the moon and their interactions, and contrast each other both in advent and beliefs. Moon giants are peaceful, gray-skinned stargazers and scholars, and tend to be Lawful Neutral isolationists equally a rule. Dominicus giants, in dissimilarity, are either Chaotic Adept or Chaotic Evil crusaders eternally at war with the forces and natives of the Airplane of Shadow, and tend to have red hair and golden pare. The third type of giant in the book, equally a sort of in-between to the sun and moon giants, are the True Neutral, withdrawn eclipse giants.


  • In The Mikado, Yum-Yum sings a song called "The Sun whose rays are all ablaze", almost the contrast between the lord's day and the moon (and how Yum-Yum herself resembles both).

    Video Games

  • Bayonetta'south universe has the Lumen Sages representing the Lord's day and the Umbra Witches representing the Moon.
  • The Boktai serial is large on this, though with a dash of Dark Is Not Evil applying to the lunar half of the trope.
  • Dark Parables: The Lord's day and Moon Goddesses are ii of the about prominent deities, and their emblems announced variously throughout the series. Nigh notably, in the tenth game, the warring neighbour countries of Barsia and Olesia use solar and lunar motifs. Barsia worships the Sun Goddess and takes the dominicus equally their emblem, while Olesia reveres her sis the Moon Goddess and takes the moon as theirs.
  • In Dragon Vale, the Flavor Text for the Sun and Moon Dragon suggests that the globe was created when the first Sun Dragon met the first Moon Dragon.
  • Solstice in Heroes of Newerth has two different forms for day and dark, and while her abilities between each form are mechanically like, their backdrop change accordingly. During the day, she is fully adorned in armor, every bit she would literally burn without it, and her abilities brand her presence more than visible and give her a more tanky presence. At night, she sheds her armor, and her abilities have subtle effects that obscure her presence and her harm output is increased.
  • Kirby serial feature a Dual Dominate known as Mr. Smooth and Mr. Bright, an anthropomorphic moon and lord's day who alternate their attacks. To date, they appeared only in Kirby's Risk, Kirby's Dream Land 2, Kirby'south Dream Land three (albeit just equally Ado'southward paintings) and Kirby Mass Assail (but merely in Strato Patros EOS subgame).
  • In La-Mulana, the Temple of Moonlight is the backside area respective to the Temple of the Sun.
  • League of Legends have the Solari tribe and Lunari tribe, both worshiping the sun and moon, and having connotations on both the light and dark sides of both sides:
    • The Solari is dedicated to protecting those in need, and this is very exemplified on their called one, Leona, who was born from a tribe of Proud Warrior Race Guy notwithstanding rejects their savage lifestyle and believes that strength was meant to protect others. Yet...the Solari has a dark secret that they may exist responsible for the disappearance of their rival tribe, some suspect genocide. The elders of the Solari were so adamant in keeping the being of the Lunari to never exist revealed that they'd declare anyone who peeked likewise deep to exist a heretic and volition schedule for firsthand execution for the secret discovery.
    • The Lunari, on the other hand, is a complete mystery. All the same, with how they were treated by the Solari, one tin infer they symbolize the benevolent side of the moon, every bit it drew one of the Solari, Diana, into a sense of condolement when she'due south under the moon. Diana also happens to exist the eventual 'Heretic' mentioned above, and shortly before her execution, she received the ability of the Moon every bit their chosen one... and due to a combination of trauma and expose, information technology transforms her into a murderous fanatic whose mission is to make everyone she comes across worship the moon and she will slaughter those who dares disobey.
  • Majesty allows you lot to build temples to certain gods and recruit their followers equally heroes. These include the dominicus and moon gods, Helia and Lunord. Yet, their temples are mutually sectional; if you lot build temples for one, you cannot build any for the other.
  • In Might and Magic VII the Expert party get sent to attack the Temple of the Moon and the Evil party get sent to attack the Temple of the Lord's day. The clerics of the former bandage Dark magic, and the latter, Low-cal. Notwithstanding, part of the world is a wasteland considering both orders were obsessed with destroying the other regardless of collateral damage, which doesn't speak well of the Sun temple's supposed goodness. It is also indicated that the ceaseless warring helped reduce both religions to mere fragments of their former stature, with both being mostly supplanted by successor faiths with less of a angelic curve.
  • In Ōkami, the mysterious trickster Waka (who belongs to the deceased Moon Tribe) fights aslope the reborn lord's day goddess in her battle against Orochi.
  • In Persona 4: Golden, the Sun and the Moon are two Tarot cards that can be obtained during Shuffle Time, with similar effects. Each of them grants two extra draws (minus the i needed to obtain information technology), but the erstwhile halves money earned, while the latter halves feel earned.
  • Pokémon:
    • Solrock and Lunatone, a pair of Rock/Psychic Pokémon that are quite literally floating rocks shaped like the dominicus and moon, respectively.
    • The analogue Pokémon Espeon and Umbreon and Tyrunt and Amaura evolve co-ordinate to the fourth dimension of mean solar day — Espeon and Tyrunt during the day, Umbreon and Amaura during the night.
    • There are also ii evolutionary stones, the Moon Stone and Sunday Stone, although they don't evolve whatever counterpart Pokémon.
    • Pokémon Sunday and Moon is plain congenital around this trope:
      • The games employ this for their opposite Theme Naming and the in-game clocks, which are set twelve hours apart — Sunday during the day, Moon during the night. Serial tradition also associates the male protagonist with the kickoff version (Sun) and the female protagonist with the second (Moon) note their promotional names, Elio and Selene respectively, draw from Helios and Selene of Greek myth, which is further enhanced by this trope.
      • The same theme applies for the games' mascot Legendaries, Solgaleo (a white-and-gold panthera leo) and Lunala (a black-and-gold bat-matter), who represent the sun and moon respectively. While technically genderless, they are considered the male and female counterparts to each other (somehow).
      • Rockruff evolves into two different forms of its evolution Lycanroc depending on the game it'southward in — the loyal and solitary Midday course in the daytime of Sun, and the roughshod and ferocious Midnight form during the nighttime of Moon.
    • In Pokémon Ranger the protagonists' Canon Names are Lunick and Solana, after the moon and sun.
  • In Tales of Phantasia and Tales of Symphonia, this is how the Peachy Spirits of Low-cal, Luna and Aska, are distinguished from each other; Luna represents the light of the moon while Aska represents the light of the dominicus. When they are fought together in Symphonia, Luna's attacks lean more towards arcane and holy interpretations of light with spells such every bit Holy Lance and Judgment, too as her unique strike arte Lunatic. Aska focuses on lite every bit more of a physical strength of nature; his Sunshine Nova arte creates a small sun in front of him which so explodes.
  • Terraria: The sun and the moon play an of import function in the game's background, particularly the latter. During the game, you'll experience eclipses as random events, both lunar (also known as claret moons) and solar. The finish game has you lot fighting against 2 groups of enemies, each worshipping a cosmic object: the Lihzards worship the sunday (their temple is filled with tablets able to summon solar eclipses, and the boss at that place is able to driblet the Sun Rock) while the Cultist worship the moon (their leader is called the Lunatic Cultist, and killing him triggers a serial of events that ends up summoning the Moon Lord). The moon has more than furnishings on the game, such equally moon phases affecting what NPCs sell and the spawning of some enemies, and two special events involving a particular moon.
  • Several instances in Touhou:
    • Of the 3 Fairies of Low-cal, two of the members are the bright and energetic Sunny Milk, who has the power to refract low-cal and is powered upwards by sunlight, and the clumsy and pessimistic Luna Kid, who has the power to silence sounds, and is powered up past moonlight. The third member, Star Sapphire has power of detection, and is not afflicted past weather.
    • The Prismriver Sisters is a lesser example. The eldest sis, Lunasa, wears a hat with a moon decoration, and has the power to produce depressing sound with her violin. The second child, Merlin, wears a hat with a sun decoration, and has the ability to produce uplifting sound with her trumpet. Meanwhile, the youngest child Lyrica wears a chapeau with star decoration and tin can produce "illusionary sounds" with her keyboard.
    • This also applies to Kaguya Houraisan and Fujiwara no Mokou, though more than thematically than annihilation else. Kaguya is a fair Lunarian princess who was exiled after she drank the Hourai Elixir to obtain Complete Immortality, and Mokou is the tomboyish daughter of one of the noblemen that Kaguya humiliated in The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter who drank the Hourai Elixir in order to even the playing field with her sworn nemesis, later on which she took up fire magic with motifs based upon The Phoenix. Now, the two of them are locked in an unending Cycle of Revenge, likened to the bike of the Sun and the Moon that fall and rise as the days come and go.
  • Warframe features several contrasts represented with Sun and Moon motif.
    • Equinox is a warframe who can switch between 24-hour interval form and nighttime course to change her skillset. The 24-hour interval grade is offence-oriented while night grade is defense force-oriented.
    • Team-based Conclave matches pit players in Team Sunday against players in Team Moon. Team Sun is coloured orange while Team Moon is coloured bluish.
    • The War Within introduces a Karma Meter based less on expert-versus-evil and more on Emotions Versus Stoicism, with Sun and Moon each representing one cease of the spectrum.
  • Earth of Warcraft:
    • The sun/moon residue is the reasoning behind Tauren getting paladins in the Cataclysm expansion. Their druids are trained past the Nighttime Elves who worship the moon goddess Elune as their chief deity. In the Tauren'southward own cosmology the lord's day and moon are the eyes of the World Mother and they have adopted paladins with solar imagery (known as Sunwalkers) so that both aspects are represented.
    • Balance druids have a mechanic where casting nature spells moves them closer to the moon and increases the damage they deal with arcane spells, while casting arcane spells moves them towards the sun and increases harm done with nature spells. The intention is that they maintain a balance between the sun and the moon.


  • In Yokoka'due south Quest, there are Sun and Moon Clans, elements, and languages. The Moon Clan has featured prominently in the story, with the Sun Association having far less representation so far.

    Web Original

  • RWBY gives usa a symbolic example at the cease of the "Yellow" Trailer; Ruby, who is associated with wolves and has silver eyes, is standing with the moon above her, while Yang, whose theme colour is yellowish and who has a fire motif, stands backside a rising lord's day.
  • A common theme in Welcome to Nighttime Vale. The titular town is represented by the moon and nighttime; information technology's dark, and the shadows hold deep secrets. In contrast, the much nicer town of Desert Bluffs is symbolized past the sun, and the low-cal and warmth it brings... except, in reality, Desert Bluffs is far worse than Night Vale. While DB's dominicus blinds and burns, the darkness in NV can be soothing and protective, even if information technology is unsafe.

    Western Blitheness

  • Avatar: The Last Airbender: Waterbenders and Firebenders draw strength from the moon and sun, respectively; a Waterbender'south strength is greater when the moon is up, and at its absolute greatest when the moon is total, while a Firebender's strength is greater while the sunday is upwardly. Additionally, Waterbenders and Firebenders lose their bending during their respective eclipses.
  • My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic: Princess Celestia makes the sun rise and ready, while her sister Princess Luna does the same for the moon. With Luna's Face–Heel Plough and subsequent m-yr imprisonment, Celestia took over the moon duties every bit well, but after Luna's redemption, she's ready to take the moon back. So Dark goes evil (in office because folks were taking her and her half of the solar day/dark cycle for granted), simply comes back.
  • In Onyx Equinox there are the twins K'in and Yun. "K'in" ways sun and "Yun" moon in Yucatec Maya, and they certainly accept the personalities to match (hot-tempered and at-home respectively). This might be an allusion to the Maya Hero Twins, which do become the sun and moon at the finish of their adventures.
  • Pibby: The Mirrored Confrontation Shot in the trailer shows a living moon on the protagonists' side, staring downwardly a glitched sun on the adversary's side.
  • Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Cody and the 212 th 's design — organish-yellow armor with a sunburst on both the torso and helmet — is the solar to Rex and the 501 st 's lunar — nighttime blue armor with geometric shapes.
  • Tangled: The Series: The magical gold blossom that was seen in the film has a analogue in the Moonstone, and both are the embodiments of the powers of the dominicus and moon respectively. Like most versions of this trope, the sun's ability is the healing of life while the moon's ability is the destruction of it, though it is unsaid that neither force is good or evil since both forces empower each other and are intrinsically driven to reunite. As she inherited the flower'southward power, Rapunzel becomes the sunday'southward embodiment, while Cassandra somewhen becomes the moon's apotheosis.


Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SolarAndLunar

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