Magic the Gathering Guide Book Fifth Edition Cover Art

Fifth Edition

5ED Logo.png

Set Information
Ready symbol
Symbol description Roman numeral V
Design Mike Elliott (lead)
Beak Rose
Development Mark Rosewater
Skaff Elias
Robert Gutschera
with contributions by William Jockusch
Art direction Sue-Ann Harkey
Release date March 24, 1997[1]
Airplane Multiverse
Set size 449 cards
(165 commons, 132 uncommons, 132 rares, 20 bones lands)
Expansion code 5ED[ii]
Core sets
Quaternary Edition 5th Edition Sixth Edition
Magic: The Gathering Chronology
Visions 5th Edition Portal

5th Edition (5th Edition) is a core set up that was released in March 1997. Information technology is past far the largest version of the Magic: The Gathering core set, surpassing both Fourth Edition and Chronicles. The set contains 449 white-bordered cards (165 commons, 132 uncommons, 132 rares, 20 basic lands).


  • 1 Fix details
    • 1.1 Rules changes
    • 1.2 Marketing
  • two Cycles
  • 3 Core set changes
  • 4 Misprints
  • 5 References
  • six External links

Set details [ ]

Fifth Edition contains a full of 429 cards, not including the bones lands, compared to the 363 of Fourth Edition. Of these, but 235 appeared in Fourth Edition. The balance are cards from earlier sets which take been rotated in. The largest rotations come from Ice Age, but they besides include cards from Arabian Nights, Antiquities, The Dark, Legends, Fallen Empires and Homelands, as well every bit a few returnees from Revised that were taken out of Fourth Edition. 5th Edition is the get-go core fix with cards having new artwork (entirely new artworks for 218 cards). Estimated print run is 800 million.

In designing Fifth Edition, over a hundred of the cards from Fourth Edition were removed. Quite a few of these removals were for game residuum reasons. Many spells had long been recognized as being undercosted in comparing to others of like power. Some of these, such equally Strip Mine, Aqueduct, and Listen Twist, were already banned from the Standard tournament surround for beingness too powerful, so everyone expected them to leave. Others, such as Serra Angel, had been predicted for removal in every revision of the basic fix. Just some, such as Swords to Plowshares and Lightning Commodities, had been staples of deck construction for so long that near players took them for granted.

Not all the "powerful" cards were removed, however. Several spells were widely predicted to exist departing. Armageddon and Wrath of God, for example, were thought by a lot of players to be both overpowered and out of grapheme for white; their memory came as a surprise to many. Similarly, many players expected Black Knight and White Knight would be leaving. Too, some very powerful cards (like Necropotence) were rotated in from before sets, causing surprise and (in some cases) uproar amidst players who thought they wouldn't accept to deal with them in the Standard environment any more.[3]

5th Edition was the commencement core set without ante cards. A number of cards which were scorned by players equally too weak were likewise removed, to make additional room for more pop cards. These included the five color-changing "lace" spells, equally well as Cyclopean Mummy and Wall of Wood. However, due to the big amount of cards from Fallen Empires and Homelands, which were considered to be weak sets, at that place notwithstanding was some dissatisfaction with the Fifth Edition card mix.

Fifth Edition was too the first version of the base of operations ready to utilize the cosmetic changes that were introduced in the Mirage expansion (including a slightly expanded text box and border, more visible power/toughness numbers and reminder text).

From 5th Edition on, non-monocolor lands started having a statuary colored text box. This was set every bit a standard, and the colour scheme carried on to all subsequent expansions and editions of the game until the Eighth Edition card frame redesign. Previous expansions' country text boxes had featured unique colors for each set or block (eastward.g., Delusion and Visions).

Rules changes [ ]

Fifth Edition was the commencement set that was advertised as an advanced-level ready in the new rating system for the game sets. The developers recognized that parts of the existing rules were far more complex than they needed to be.[4] In fact, they realized that several of the rules seemed to serve more than equally grist for the rules-lawyering mill than as actual aids to game play. To convalesce this problem, they went through the rules and removed several elements that were either confusing, counterintuitive, or a waste of time. The dominion gear up was not strictly reduced, though. They likewise added a couple of rules to eliminate some loopholes that only rules lawyers understood (and thus abused) and that were disliked and counter-intuitive. Finally, they introduced and expanded a few game terms.

The above changes were after still accounted insufficient. The 5th Edition was the terminal version of the base fix to use what are sometimes referred to as the "old rules." The rules were drastically changed in Sixth Edition.[5]

Marketing [ ]

Fifth Edition advertisement.jpg

5th Edtion cards were sold in 60-card starter decks and 15-card boosters. The boosters featured art from the cards Black Knight, Nightmare, Shivan Dragon, Craw Giant, and Wyluli Wolf. The set was supplemented with a special 2-Player Starter Set. The Fifth Edition 2-Player Starter Set included 2 30-card, ready to play decks, an oversized rulebook for easy reference, a play guide to walk you lot through the offset game and i Booster Pack. The Magic: The Gathering Official Strategy Guide was a carve up guide to the rules and cards.

Many of the cards received facelifts in the form of new artwork, new season text, or both, and the rules text on all the cards was revised for clarity and consistency with the Fifth Edition rules. The cards yet have white borders and "copyright 1997" is on the base of operations of the cards. For the flavour text, Wizards bowed to popular demand and included more than quotes from classical Earth literature rather than sticking exclusively with the Dominarian sources used in the expansion sets. The season text team was headed up by Dominia Continuity coordinator Pete Venters. New pieces were written to supersede uninteresting text from earlier sets, or character quotations that were non readably understandable exterior of a particular expansion. In addition, flavor text appeared on cards that lacked season text previously.

Changes to the art (for instance of the basic lands) were reportedly motivated by the reluctance of Wizards of the Coast to continue to pay for the use of many arts done for earlier sets, equally originally artists were paid royalties for their artwork beingness used, instead of a flat fee equally is done today for new Magic fine art.[6] The decision to give cards new fine art created a quandary: should these cards exist bordered in blackness or white?[vii] Either choice would upset some players or collectors. The reprint policy had stated that cards from expansions wouldn't be reprinted with black borders, but Wizards had too said that new cards would e'er be released in a blackness-bordered, limited edition. They discussed numerous options, that of releasing a limited-edition, blackness bordered printing of Fifth Edition that would be immediately followed past the unlimited white-bordered printing. Finally, they decided to get with just the white borders on the grounds that new art wasn't the same as new cards.

Simplified Chinese 5th Edition was printed with a "V" symbol on each card. Simplified Chinese was the but language of the ten in which the gear up was printed to feature an expansion symbol. It was released in 1998, nearly halfway betwixt the releases of 5th and Sixth Edition in English, and the expansion symbols were colour-coded for rarity simply like they are in all recent sets.[8]

Cycles [ ]

Fifth Edition has five cycles:

Bike name {W} {U} {B} {R} {G}
Circles of protection Circle of Protection: White Circle of Protection: Blue Circle of Protection: Black Circumvolve of Protection: Ruby Circumvolve of Protection: Green
Each of these common white enchantments has a mana cost of {1} {W} and the ability to prevent the all damage from a source of a given colour for {1} .
Sac lands Ruins of Trokair Svyelunite Temple Ebon Stronghold Dwarven Ruins Havenwood Battleground
Uncommon lands illustrated by Liz Danford that share the text "[This] enters the battlefield tapped. {T} : Add Thou. {T} , Sacrifice [this]: Add MM.", where M is the corresponding color of the country.
Storage lands Icatian Store Sand Silos Bottomless Vault Dwarven Agree Hollow Copse
Rare lands illustrated by David Seeley that share the text "[This] enters the battleground tapped. You may choose non to untap [this] during your untap step. At the beginning of your upkeep, if [this] is tapped, put a storage counter on it. {T} , Remove any number of storage counters from [this]: Add M for each storage counter removed this style.".
Lucky charms Ivory Cup Crystal Rod Throne of Os Iron Star Wooden Sphere
Each of these uncommon artifacts has a triggered power that allows the controller pay {1} to gain ane life when a spell of a given color resolves.
Wheel name {W} {U} {U} {B} {B} {R} {R} {G} {G} {W}
Pain lands Adarkar Wastes Underground River Sulfurous Springs Karplusan Forest Brushland
Rare dual lands with " {T} : Add together {C} . {T} : Add Grand or N. [This] deals 1 harm to you." M and N are centrolineal colors of mana. These lands are called pain lands because their use for colored mana is "painful," referring to the damage they do to you lot.

Core set changes [ ]

Misprints [ ]

  • fifty% of the cards Shivan Dragon, Ironclaw Curse, Game of Chaos, Inferno, and Manabarbs were printed with a Portuguese copyright date.
  • Drain Ability — Jerry Tiritilli'south name is misspelled "Tiritilii".

References [ ]

  1. OCTGN User's Blog
  2. Wizards of the Coast (Baronial 02, 2004). "Enquire Wizards - August, 2004". Wizards of the Coast.
  3. Marker Rosewater (June 27, 2011). "Please Sir, I Want Some Core". Wizards of the Coast.
  4. Tom Wylie, Leaner and Meaner. The Duelist, "Murk Dwellers", october 1996, p. 51
  5. The Magic Cupboard
  6. The Magic Cupboard
  7. Anthologies booklet, p. 32
  8. Magic Arcana (December 12, 2002). "5th Edition symbol". Wizards of the Coast.

External links [ ]

  • Fifth Edition'southward Official Folio (old)
  • Card set annal/Fifth edition (new)


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